27th May 2011 marked the birth of Shalom, my dear friend Grace's daughter! This bundle of joy is also my goddaughter. Congratulations to Grace, Jay and I! I'm finally a mummy too!
Shalom takes after her mummy as she has the heartiest laugh and loudest screams that can be heard from afar. She sure has strong lungs despite her tender age.

Baby Shalom has doting parents who shower her with undivided attention and love. I was at the hospital on both days and I can attest to the fact that being a parent is really no mean feat because babies can cry for no rhyme or reason, rendering you helpless at times.
Thankfully, like her mummy, Shalom seems to enjoy R&B music, so all you need to do is rap to get into her good books! Yo, yo, check it out! She'll probably feel right at home at Butter Factory. ;)
I popped by town for a quick bite and some shopping after visiting Grace and Shalom at the hospital. And as usual, I'll be ending this post with my outfit for the day: