How did all of you celebrate CNY? Lunar New Year is an important traditional holiday for those of us who are of Chinese descent. One of our traditions is to gather with our families for reunion dinner and enjoy a heart-warming, sumptuous meal. On CNY eve this year, my in-laws and I had our reunion dinner at Soup Restaurant, and here's what I wore that day. :)
大家是如何度过新年的呢?农历新年是我们中华民族的传统佳节。 和家人围坐一桌,温馨享用团圆饭,是我们的传统习俗之一。 今年除夕,我和我家翁家婆一起到三盅两件(Soup Restaurant)吃团圆饭,共度佳节。话不多说,这就是我当天所穿的连衣裙。
Korean heels from Angel, Far East Plaza
**Trying to practise my extremely rusty Mandarin here! :)