Part-time Jobs & Internships in Singapore

What are you doing during the school holidays? It is a good time to take a break after the exams, go for a short holiday, or even take ...

What are you doing during the school holidays? It is a good time to take a break after the exams, go for a short holiday, or even take up a part-time job or internship to make full use of your time before school reopens.

Why should you take up a part-time job or internship?

Good grades may be important, but practical working experience and testimonials from past employers will set you apart from the sea of fresh graduates seeking job opportunities as our job market becomes increasingly competitive. 

I remember grabbing every opportunity to take up part-time jobs and internships to build up my resume and make some extra pocket money when I was still schooling eons ago. On hindsight, I realized that besides monetary remuneration and invaluable working experience, I gained a deeper understanding of myself, my strengths and weaknesses and most importantly, what I was looking for in a career upon graduation.

 It was an eye-opening experience. I learned that desk bound jobs were not my cup of tea and I really couldn't sit down for hours on end facing a computer screen or filing documents. On the contrary, I really enjoyed marketing and sales promoter roles where I got to meet and interact with people from all walks of life. It was challenging having to deal with difficult customers from time to time, but being able to put a smile on their faces and turn things around gave me a tremendous sense of satisfaction. Fast forward to today, and yes, if you were wondering, I am currently still in customer-facing role.
What about you? Do you know what you want to do with your life upon graduation? Some of us do, but most of us don't. The fastest and easiest way to get an inkling of what you would like to do and develop the relevant skills in the process is to embark on a journey of self-discovery through part-time jobs and internships. 

What is the difference between part-time jobs and internships?

The key difference between part-time jobs for students and a Singapore internship is that the latter is generally in line with your field of study and serves to supplement your academic learning. Part-time jobs on the other hand, have less stringent requirements when it comes to hiring students from a certain field, but this doesn't make them any less challenging or meaningful. 

Through part-time jobs and internships, you will also get to assess if a particular industry or corporate culture gels with your personality and career aspirations. With a better understanding of yourself, your environment and the necessary skills required to succeed in an industry of your choice, you will certainly get a head start when it comes to securing your dream job later on.

More importantly, if you take the initiative to do well in your job, connect with your bosses and co-workers and leave them with a positive impression, be it in a part-time job or internship, there's always a good chance that opportunities would come knocking on your door when full-time positions need to be filled. 

Where should you start looking for part-time jobs and internships?

 Thanks to technological advancements, information on anything and everything is readily available at the touch of your fingertips these days. A quick desktop research on "part time jobs singapore" and "internship singapore" would give you a better idea of current opportunities in the market and what potential employers are looking for. 

Remember, first impressions count, so I thought I would leave you with 5 tips to secure that job/internship:

1. Customize your resume to highlight skills and experiences that are relevant to the job that you are applying for (most candidates tend to omit this critical step.)

 2. Highlight your strengths and experiences that are relevant to the job that you've applied for in your resume and at the interview

3. Do your due diligence on the company that you've applied to prior to the interview

4. Dress appropriately for the interview

5. Go in with a positive attitude. Employers are always on the lookout for people who are eager to learn and contribute.  

Hope you found this post useful and here's wishing you all the best in your job search!

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