Taipei Part 2
Sunday, May 14, 2006We were supposed to head down to Jiu fen but the heavy downfall foiled our plans. While we were walking aimlessly at dong xiao fu xing, deliberating about where to go, SOMEONE suddenly (cannot remember which of the 3 travelling mates! hahaha) alerted me to a shop selling Chinese Tea. "Regina, you can buy tea for your dad!!" she/he pointed excitedly at the beautifully wrapped Chinese Tea packages.
Yup, my dad had a flurry of shopping requests, more so than my mum. That came as a surprise of course, since my dad doesn't usually want anything from my trips.
My dad wanted:
1) Chinese Tea
2) Model Aeroplanes - must be indigenous taiwanese fighter planes somemore... WHERE TO FIND?!?!?!? couldn't find a single hobby shop in Taipei :P
Ok..actually he only wanted 2 items.. I was just exaggerating. Although I didn't manage to get the model planes (i am shopping queen/directory, but this area of shopping is not within my expertise man), I got him the best oolong tea.
He was visibly pleased, and also appeased (we had a quarrel on the way to the airport cos he kept asking why i researched on all the places of interest but I didn't bother to research on where to get his model aeroplanes). :P
Wu Fen Pu
After buying tea, we made our way to Wu Fen Pu. The weather had changed for the better for there was only a slight drizzle. Peishan and Shihui didn't take a liking to the lacy clothes. Too flamboyant they say. But those who know me are aware of my multitude of fashion styles. I like ALL types of apparel. So, we had no choice but to go our separate ways. Can you spot me?? haha I actually broke away from JW a couple of times to look at clothes and bargain with shop owners. :P

Hunger pangs finally got the better of me, so we sat down to enjoy a plate of meatballs which didn't look anything like meatballs.
Acting Cute.
The auntie behind the meatballs.
Pseudo Meatballs!!! It's actually minced meat wrapped in chewy mua chee style flour, topped with a slightly sweet gravy.
Jw didn't like the outer flour layer, but I gobbled mine up ravenously.
Tired from all the walking we did on Day 2, we went back to the hotel to rest before going to Shihlin again. No pics. TOO TIRED from shopping! I not only spent, but I felt VERY spent too! (sorry I know I very corny)
Jw ate the XXXL Chicken Cutlet ALL BY HIMSELF..while I indulged in a box of fried mushrooms..very yummy!!
We also had soy beancurd at 三兄弟. There are so many flavours for you to choose from, you're really spoilt for choice!
Day 4
Finally, the sky was clear. So off to Jiufen we went!
It was slightly hazy, but the view was nevertheless very invigorating. Definitely a refreshing change from the urban landscapes we're so used to.
I shall let the pictures do the talking:
Devouring gigantic fishballs!!
Like all other tourists, we posed for a picture here too! This is where they shot some HK movie by Tony Leung and idea who else hahah..I seem to be suffering from a serious bout of amnesia.
CAN YOU SEE JW??? His climbing withdrawal symptoms set in, and alas, he gave in to his inclinations. His climb was so graceful and agile it's quite commendable, although part of me really wanted to chide him for doing such a dangerous stunt.
There were a few on-lookers. They were either in awe or very aghast, because their jaws literally dropped to the floor.
One of my fav pics this trip! The background makes us look like we're in Japan!
Tired and thirsty from all the walking, we dropped by a tea house by the hill to soak in the beautiful view.
To be continued.....